Echo Five Echo: 2014


9 Years.

I just hit the 9 year mark of being smoke free! I know that after a while it may lose it's significance, but I celebrate it because there have been MANY (and some of you know) times when the stress has been so bad that I could have turned to a cigarette and undone all that progress. It is truly a blessing that I have been able to find the strength to not light up, drink up, or just drop out when other people may just have. So, I guess this is less about smoking cigarettes and more about finding the strength to carry on despite the weight of the burden. I look behind me and I see that the two sets of footprints became one a long time ago. That's the only reason I've made it this far. Be Blessed.


I was in Okinawa from June 1996 until August of 1999. The last past few months in Oki I was basically dodging the system. I had orders to go to another unit for a few months, NOPE! My unit wanted me to do PT even though I had already done my final physical, NOPE! Received word from the the brass that I had to do PT anyway, FUCK THAT, I went on terminal leave. Just hung out without having to do shit.
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