Echo Five Echo: June 2013


Vol. 3?

I had a talk with my mom a while back and I told her that in my 20's I thought I knew everything, but in my 30's I realized that I knew nothing. To which my mom told me that in your 40's you begin to realize and understand how the things you have done in life have affected the person you are. At this moment I feel as though I am looking back and seeing past experiences, choices, decisions, outcomes, consequences and rewards, both bad and good. Half a lifetime ago I graduated high school and went off to join the Marines. I look at that point as the "second volume" of life. The point of my life when I found out who I was, who true friends are, and how to survive. Maybe this is the start of the "third volume" where I take from the lessons learned in previous volumes to further shape this life. Learn from the negative, build on the positive.
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