Echo Five Echo: November 2011


Maaaad 3521 Skillz

Me: Gonna knock this oil change out!
Truck: ...
Me: Got the truck jacked up, jack stands in place.
Truck: ...
Me: Drainplug removed, draining oil.
Truck: ...
Me: Now to change the oil filter. Wait, I don't have a strap wrench.
Truck: ...
Me: No problem! (As George Lopez) I GOT THIS!
Truck: ...
Me: (removing my belt) Check this out...

Round 1: Me/Belt VS Truck - Truck wins
Round 2: Me/Screwdriver and Hammer VS Truck - Truck wins
Round 3: Me/Ratchet Extension and Hammer VS Truck - Truck wins
Round 4: Me/15/16 Wrench and Hammer VS Truck - Truck wins

(45 mins - 1 hour later)

Truck: ...
Me: Hmmm... Maybe I should try turning it the OTHER WAY!
Truck: idiot.

Round 5: Me/Belt (pulling in OPPOSITE direction) VS Truck - ME WINS!...
... = automatic FAIL

Me: ... (completes task with head hung in shame...)
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