Echo Five Echo: September 2011


Tuesday, September 11, 2001

It was around 6 something in the morning. I woke up with enough time to jump into my cammies and head out the door. I made it a habit to turn on the television to the news every morning as I prepared for another work day. While buttoning up my blouse I paused to watch a breaking news story about some small plane or something that crashed into a building in New York. "Damn." I said with a bit of astonishment. I left my room and headed over to the junior Marines' barracks. I was lucky enough to have my own room in the Sergeant barracks, having been promoted a few months earlier. No more community showers and people banging on doors during reveille, lance corporals and pfc's getting drunk and horse-playing in the halls, and the number one reason I loved being in the Sergeant barracks... NO DUTY, on post, that is. You still had to pull duty in the junior Marines' barracks.
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